Export certification system

One of our important international export consulting services includes guiding you to obtain a certification for your products. .

Receive necessary certifications

At Tradesocean, we help you get required certifications necessary to sell your products in the selected countries to avoid inconvenience during customs.

Get your products the recognition they deserve

By acquiring the Made in Iran mark, your products can be authenticated and differentiated from the counterfeits. Your customers get the confidence that they are purchasing original products.

Pair your certification with a traceability system

You can also couple your certification with a code that can trace the details regarding your product. By just scanning the code customers can trace the origin of the product, and view the manufacturer’s profile and contact information.

Works for any type of business and product

Whether you are a small business or large, you manufacture any product under the sun, all of them can get a certification under this system.


Get your product authenticated today. How? Contact us!